deutsch | english | hrvatski | español | français | Slovenščina | עברית | العربية | polski | český | Nederlands | italiano | português | português brasileiro | 한국어
deutsch | english | hrvatski | español | français | Slovenščina | עברית | العربية | polski | český | Nederlands | italiano | português | português brasileiro | 한국어
Level 5 - Training as a trainer
Level 5 - Training as a trainer
Training as trainer and instructor for levels 1 to 3
- Definition of training objectives
- Separation of target groups in sales
- Separation of customer groups
- Different teaching approaches
- Getting to know the teaching material
- Getting to know the learning platform
- Getting to know the Translation Center
- Structure of shop systems
- Dealing with problem scenarios
- Handling goods on consignment
- Setting up and carrying out events
Knowledge transfer beyond the boundaries of traditional expertise
- Deepening knowledge of physics
- Deepening knowledge of the market
- Deepening knowledge of the structure
Three-day instructor training for levels 1 to 3.
Price: 2.990,- Euro plus VAT including overnight stays and catering.
Places: Germany (Munich and Berlin), South Africa (George), USA (San Diego, Las Vegas and Miami), Russia (Moscow and St. Petersburg), Cyprus (Aphrodites Hill). Further locations on request
deutsch | english | hrvatski | español | français | Slovenščina | עברית | العربية | polski | český | Nederlands | italiano | português | português brasileiro | 한국어