Online Training

Online Training

Dear user of the Osmium Academy,

this online tool is available for people who are confronted with osmium. The teaching content explains the necessary specialist knowledge around osmium and its use in video, audio and text as well as visual presentations.

This knowledge is essential for organisations, sales partners and processors.

The use of the Academy is free of charge. In order to gain access, all users must submit their data in the onboarding process. Physical teaching material is also available at www.buy-osmium.com, which facilitates learning for you.

Please register now at www.osmium-onboarding.com as a partner.

This gives you full access to all content. For security reasons you will not find a direct login here. We want the data contained to be protected as best as possible against access by third parties. For the respective use, access is therefore possible via a direct link, which is created each time you log into the partner account on the www.buy-osmium.com page if you wish to use the Academy in your guide.

Please note that the login to the Academy is only possible via this partner account and not here on the Academy page directly. The guide displayed there will help you to find your way through the contents.

Please register now, so that you can use the full extent of this university!

login now


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Online Training