In some levels it is necessary to take and pass an exam before you can begin your work. The aim of the examination is to obtain valid information about the state of knowledge of every person who speaks about osmium in public. All contents of the academy are constantly extended and renewed, so that it is also worthwhile in the future to refresh the existing knowledge.
The preparation for the exam can be done with the help of the Academy videos, with the help of the Osmium brochure using the Audio Podcasts or with the help of the FAQ.
Exams of levels 2 – 5:
Level 2:
Scope of the examination: general comprehension questions
Type of examination: multiple choice examination
Registration: not required
Duration of the examination: approx. 10 minutes.
Costs: The first examination is free of charge.
Re-examinations cost 49,- Euro each plus VAT. The repetition includes telephone training and support.
- Without an examination, you have the status "participated". With passing the exam the status changes to "examined". After successful completion of the examination, you will receive an electronic certificate confirming that you have taken the examination and passed it. A grade is not stated on the certificate, but can be obtained from the institute.
Level 3:
Scope of the examination: physical comprehension questions, extensive knowledge of osmium and its market.
Type of examination: multiple choice examination
Registration: not required
Exam duration: approx. 30 minutes.
Costs: The first examination is free of charge.
Re-examinations cost 99,- Euro each plus VAT. The repetition includes telephone training and support.
- After successful completion of the examination, you will receive an electronic certificate confirming that you have taken the examination and passed it. If you pass the exam, you will receive the status "Train the Trainer Program Candidate". A grade will not be awarded. Passing the examination is a prerequisite for participation in Level 5, the education to become a trainer.
Level 4:
Scope of the examination: In-depth knowledge of precious metals, currencies, financial systems and general understanding of the physical fundamentals of precious metals.
Type of test: oral test in face-to-face or Skype-to-Skype call
Registration: required or following the seminar
Duration of the examination: approx. 15 minutes.
Costs: The first examination is free of charge.
Re-examinations cost in each case 99, - euro plus VAT. The repetition includes telephone training and support. The oral examination can be taken by telephone. Aids are allowed.
- Without an examination, you have the status "participated". After passing the exam, the status changes to "certified precious metal consultant". After successful completion of the examination, you will receive an electronic certificate confirming that you have taken the examination and passed it. A grade is not given.
Level 5:
Scope of the examination: Acceptance of a seminar with real participants
Type of test: presence
Registration: required
Duration: 1 day
Costs: The first examination is free of charge.
Re-examinations cost in each case 499, - euro plus VAT. The repetition includes telephone training and support.
If you pass the exam you get the status "trainer". You will receive an electronic certificate of attendance and passing the exam. A note is printed on the certificate. In order to improve the grade you can take another exam.
The "Trainer" status entitles the participant to participate in Level 5 training courses at half price.
Admission to examination
Partnerships in sales exist in different forms: Depending on your turnover and target group, you can become a tipster, dealer, wholesale partner, trainer or even a State Institute Partner. The partnership between the State Institutes is even subject to regional exclusivity. You will also get to know the various options for concluding contracts in the training courses.
If you are aiming for one of the above mentioned statuses as part of your onboarding process, all you need to do to begin your job is pass the Level 2 exam for your online training. Training and exams are part of your onboarding guide that electronically guides you through your account.
You are welcome to be our sales-supporting tipster for the time being without any obligation to participate in a training course or examination. This gives you the opportunity to get to know all contractual relationships with us before you decide on a status. However, you may not yet, with claim to a commission, give tips for the mediation of orders for you remain up to the passing of the examination without claim to commission.
The wholesale partner status is granted to you by a unilateral confirmation, which can only be issued by a state institute partner. For all forms of cooperation, it is essential to have attended the relevant training courses and passed the relevant examinations.
This course is divided into several general blocks that build on each other. All qualifications can be acquired individually for the desired status.
Without onboarding, the condition for participation in all training courses is the countersignature of a non-disclosure agreement with the osmium institute. As a trading partner, you also sign a self-commitment which is essentially aimed at providing customers with good information in accordance with the statutory guidelines.
The document "NDA" for scientifically ambitious participants who do not undergo onbaording is available from the osmium institutes and can be submitted by fax or scan. The accesses to the virtual training area are then sent by e-mail or one follows the guidelines of the registration.
The special instructor training is taught only in very small classes directly by the directorate. If you would like to establish academies abroad, please let us know and we will assist you in setting up the academy.

Certification and degrees
As a participant you will receive a certificate for successful participation in the training courses, which authorises you to supply osmium.
You can first attend Level 1 and Level 2 free of charge and then attend Levels 3 to 5 training courses for a fee. Depending on the progress of your training, you will receive one of the statuses "participated", "tested", "certified", "precious metal consultant" and "trainer" after passing the exams.
Please note that our company generally only passes on leads, i.e. end customer contacts, to partners who have completed Level 3 and passed the corresponding exam. It is therefore advisable to take part in the training courses and pass the exams in order to generate further sales.
Examination hotline: 089 7 44 88 88 88
We would like to ask you the following:
Do not take the training too easy. It is about real understanding. The information and questions about physics must also be fully understood by you. The exams contain actual queries of detailed knowledge and are not alibi multiple choice exams.
We are a little strict here, but please believe us that it is to your best in sales and presentation. The knowledge that you acquire and pass on represents the osmium institutes and is therefore decisive for their general appearance.

Classroom training
Classroom training courses are usually held at the headquarters of a state osmium institute, but can also be held at many other locations around the world if desired. Any partner who has passed the previous level can participate in the training.
The participation in the online training of level 2 in the preparation of the classroom training is free of charge.
For the overnight stay we offer, in the proximity of all our local appointments, favorable and good contract hotels, whose addresses we will gladly provide to you. Lunch in the form of snacks and drinks is included in the training price.
Depending on the level, the classroom training lasts from one to three days.